Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Comparison of Different Disinfection Technologies



- Lower capital cost needed

- Residual persists in the water for an extended period of time. This feature allows the chlorine to travel through the water supply system.

- More suitable for system wherein residual disinfectant is needed.

- Good color removal

- Can also be used to oxidize iron bacteria in water, but with sufficient contact time.


- Reacts with naturally occurring organic compounds found in the water supply to produce dangerous compounds, known as disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The most common DBPs are trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids.

- Hazardous upon contact

- May raise concern on odor and tastes.

- Can cuase corrosion on metal parts and equipment



- Effective in removing viruses and bacteria

- No harmful by-products are formed; unlikely to form carcinogens

- influences pH and temperature minimally on a broad spectrum.

- Higher oxidation potential than chlorine

- No remaining tastes or odors after treatment


- Ozone is less suitable for maintenance of a residual concentration (secondary disinfectant), causing it to decompose in water relatively quickly

- solubility decreases when temperatures rise

- High capital cost

- May result in corrosion of metal parts and equipment



- Effective in removing viruses and bacteria

- No harmful by-products are formed; unlikely to form carcinogens

- No remaining tastes or odors after treatment

- Does not corrode metal equipment


- Not suitable for maintenance of a residual concentration (secondary disinfectant)

- Good only for point-of-use applications